NYC art events | May 29 - June 4, 2023
Here is our weekly Postcard from New York, in collaboration with Clio Art Fair!
The selection of this week's events, curated by Clio Art Fair , is particularly vibrant and varied.
In this article, we will explore some of the highlights of these days, looking for the most interesting and inspiring exhibitions and art events in NYC.
Ready to discover the New York art scene this week?
Here we go!

1. In Museums:
Aliza Nisenbaum: Queens, Lindo y Querido
@ Queens Museum
April 23–October 9, 2023
Aliza Nisenbaum portrays human stories. With her magically exuberant color palette, she paints people, individually or in groups, with their countenance, posture, and immediate surroundings organically composed to depict their humanity.
Aliza Nisenbaum: Queens, Lindo y Querido, chronicles the artist’s years-long engagement with people at the Queens Museum and its neighborhood, Corona. Adapted from the popular Vincente Fernández song “Mexico, Lindo y Querido”— translated in English to “Mexico, Beautiful and Beloved” — the exhibition title highlights Nisenbaum’s personal and artistic relationships to the sitters and their environments, with careful attention paid to expressions of what people value, as expressed through material culture.

2. In Galleries:
@Gagosian Gallery
May 13 - July 14, 2023
Gagosian is pleased to announce an exhibition of works dating from 1965 to 1991 by Donald Judd (1928–1994) across the gallery’s 976 and 980 Madison Avenue locations in New York.
The exhibition features fifteen of Judd’s objects made with some of his primary materials, including anodized and painted aluminum, galvanized iron, colored plexiglass, and plywood. The works’ carefully considered proportions emphasize their materials’ intrinsic qualities and relationships between part and whole.
Judd began as a painter in the 1950s, but by the early 1960s he came to focus on three-dimensional forms. He developed an art that exists on its own determinedly physical terms, removed from notions of metaphor or illusion. To this end, he designated that his works were untitled and originated new terms to describe them, including “wall piece”—a single unit or multiple units designed to hang on the wall—and “floor piece”—a work that stands directly on the floor without a traditional sculptural pedestal.

3. In Brooklyn
What Is Psychedelic - Aura Rosenberg
@Mishkin Gallery and Pioneer Works
MAR 17 – JUN 11, 2023
What Is Psychedelic, co-presented by Mishkin Gallery and Pioneer Works, marks the first institutional survey of New York-born artist Aura Rosenberg. This two-venue exhibition traces the artist’s trajectory from early paintings of the 1970s to her more recent endeavors in photography, film, sculpture, and installation. Throughout her five decades long career in New York and Berlin, Rosenberg has moved through diverse styles, preferring to work thematically and serially while often returning to ideas from past projects.
Rosenberg’s practice challenges how images produce and reproduce notions of spectatorship, gender, family, and history—that is, the conditions of everyday life. In this way, she examines how vernacular images naturalize and normalize meanings through which people understand themselves in the world.

4. Outside
Nicholas Galanin: In every language there is Land
@Brooklyn Bridge Park, Empire Fulton Ferry Lawn
May 16 – November 12, 2023
Nicholas Galanin created this work with the same steel tubing used to construct the U.S.-Mexico border wall, also echoing its 30-foot height. The metal was cut and reassembled to spell out LAND in a format reminiscent of Robert Indiana’s 1966 sculpture, LOVE.
The installation is promoted by Public Art Found.