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Foundation for Contemporary Arts (FCA): Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund

Giorgia Nocera

Art performances and exhibitions have been cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19, creating a significant economic fallout for experimental artists. Therefore, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts is creating a temporary fund in order to distribute one-time $2,000 grants to artists who have been affected by the pandemic.


  • The artist’s work must be of a contemporary, experimental nature.

  • Proof that the artist has lost income because of a cancelled/postponed performance/exhibition due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Only individual artists, or an individual representing an artist collective, ensemble, or group are eligible as applicants.

  • The fund is specific for choreographers, composers, playwrights, directors, visual artists, and poets, and cannot support dancers, actors, ensemble members, or designers who were working on a canceled or postponed project of work that is not their own.

  • Applicants must demonstrate loss of income related to non-commercial presenting opportunities.

  • Applicants must be living in the United States or U.S. territories and have a U.S. Tax ID Number (SSN, EIN, ITIN, or other).

  • Applicants cannot be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program

The FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund has been supported by artists, individuals and foundations, such as:

  • The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts: founded in 1987, following Andy Warhol’s will to support the creation, presentation, and documentation of contemporary visual art, particularly work that is experimental, under-recognized, or challenging in nature.

  • The David Rockefeller Fund: established in 1989 by David Rockefeller and his wife Peggy with the mission of investing in catalytic ideas, people, efforts, and institutions working strategically toward ecological regeneration, justice system reform, and art for social impact.

  • The Howard Gilman Foundation: created in 1981 by Howard Gilman to support the medical, social, educational, environmental, and artistic causes that he held most dear. Today, the Foundation honors Mr. Gilman’s memory by supporting three of his most beloved disciplines - dance, music, and theatre.

  • The Trust for Mutual Understanding: founded in 1984. Created for American non-profit organizations to support exchange in the arts and the environment (and the intersection of the two) between professionals from the United States and TMU’s geographic region of 29 countries.

  • The Willem de Kooning Foundation: it is an artist-endowed, private, operating foundation with the aim to foster the study and appreciation of Willem de Kooning’s life and work through research, exhibitions and educational programs.

Individuals and foundations who want to support the COVID-19 fund can read the FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund Fact Sheet for more information.

Artists can apply here for the FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund.


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