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NYC art events I May 8 - 15, 2023

The New York City art scene is more vibrant than ever this week!

In this article, we will explore some of the highlights of Clio Art Fair's selection of art events, looking for the most interesting and inspiring ones in NYC.

Ready to discover the New York art scene this week?

Here we go!

1. In Museums

Abigail DeVille: Bronx Heavens

@The Bronx Museum

Oct 12, 2022 - Jun 18, 2023

Abigail DeVille: Bronx Heavens is a constellation of sculptures and installations by the artist who utilizes found materials and objects as a way to unearth forgotten ancestral histories, both real and imagined.

Born in 1981, native New Yorker Abigail DeVille has a deep personal relationship with the city, and a long-established interest in the marginalized histories of marginalized communities of color within it. In Bronx Heavens, the artist takes special consideration in how the Bronx has served as a sanctuary for immigrant and migrant communities for the last 120 years (including four generations of her own ancestors), prompting complex questions and ideas about freedom, racism, and oppression.

2. In Galleries

Andrea Marie Breiling: Swallowtail

@Almine Rech

May 2 — Jun 10, 2023

Almine Rech New York is pleased to present Swallowtail, a solo exhibition by Andrea Marie Breiling.

Andrea Marie Breiling’s newest works draw inspiration from Swallowtail butterflies, known for their particularly wide wingspan, and for their vivid coloring which often combines intricate patterns of primary colors and white, outlined and bisected by blackish veins, and peppered with dark bluish-brown voids. Like a close-up view of Swallowtail wings, Breiling’s recent spray paint paintings are at once atmospheric and kaleidoscopic while firmly grounded by a deeply-layered and rhythmic foundation. In a nod to Jackson Pollock’s penchant for uncommonly narrow and wide canvases, many of Breiling’s new works stretch the bounds of traditional landscape canvas proportions. This deliberate scale decision seems to have pushed her mark-making approach in a new direction.

3. In Brooklyn



February 2023- ongoing

Discover a new world of art at The Museum of Digital Experiences, New York's first all-digital museum. Featuring 14 exceptional digital art installations created by some of the most innovative and talented artists, the debut exhibition will captivate you with its masterpieces

4. Outside


@Cre­ative Time, Gov­er­nors Island Arts, and Times Square Arts


Mov­ing Chains is a mon­u­men­tal 110-foot long kinet­ic sculp­ture built from steel and sus­tain­ably har­vest­ed Sapele, a tree native to West Africa. Cre­at­ed by Charles Gaines with col­lab­o­rat­ing archi­tects TOLO Archi­tec­ture, the sculp­ture, which peo­ple may enter and walk through, con­tains nine cus­tom made chains weigh­ing over 1,600 pounds each run­ning its length over­head.

Eight of the chains are rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the pace of the cur­rents in New York Har­bor, while a ninth cen­tral chain moves more quick­ly, recall­ing the pace of ship and barge traf­fic that has trav­eled the city’s water­ways for cen­turies.

The over­all effect of the weight and motion of the chains pro­duces a rhyth­mic, undu­lat­ing loop, evoca­tive of the sounds of New York Har­bor at the entrance to the Hud­son Riv­er. Fac­ing the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty — an inter­na­tion­al sym­bol of benev­o­lence and human rights, dis­tin­guished by the abo­li­tion­ist iconog­ra­phy of a bro­ken shack­le and chain at her right foot—Mov­ing Chains calls atten­tion to the nation’s eco­nom­ic, judi­cial, and polit­i­cal frame­works that con­tin­ue the lega­cy of slav­ery today.


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